Time out for BJR


3 Jun 1996


With apologies to "Time out for Burgers", this month's newsletter arrives late, on fire, and on some weird non-sesame bun.


With May comes Mother's Day, and with Mother's Day comes more bad "Yo Mama" jokes (Yo mama's so stupid she tripped over the cordless phone, etc.) than you can shake you mama at.  Other than that, May has been rather docile:


I haven't travelled much either - except for a brief trip to Philadelphia and Orlando, Florida (home of Disneyworld that closes at 7 PM on weekdays - Grrrr...), I've been enjoying the life of a sweat sponge here in Austin Texas.  Just last Saturday I recorded possibly the most severe, painful sunburn since the famous Houston Beach incident of '79, where one Alaskan to remain unnamed spent 5 hours sans sunscreen on a coastal beach in Texas.


Some of you may have noticed Trilogy on the cover of Forbes for the June 3rd issue, but the media hype has only begun.  You may have asked yourself, "Shouldn't BJR have been on the cover?"  To be honest, yes.  However, I sold the exclusive rights to a cover story on me to People, Time, Newsweek, GQ, Dirt Bike Monthly, Better Homes and Gardens, and Highlights.  It seems

"exclusive" just doesn't mean what it used to.  (Several adult magazine have requested pictures as well.  Their use of the word "exclusive" is entirely different.  Honestly, if you laughed at that last line, you're kind of a 'humor slut', because it really wasn't that funny, and you only laughed because you thought it was supposed to be funny.  And, it actually makes no sense at all.)


The most exciting news of the month is that I have a new machine (computer) at work, with whom I've been spending hours of quality time - Her name is "cabbage.trilogy.edu."  I've also moved a futon into my office, which Lilly claims is a sign of a fact that I've crossed the line to the point where I'm just one of those crazy software people who eat, sleep, and live at work. I'm still working on some sort of comeback.  Stay tuned.


Since last months newsletter was SOOOOO long, I'll make this brief and say "Congrats" to all my friends who are graduating (as long as you're not getting an MBA or Law Degree (okay, Corporate Law Degree)) or being parolled.  Take care and happy Flag Day.